This satirical comedy delves into the lives of a friendship between two magicians, Burt Wonderstone (Steve Carrell) and Anton Marvelton (Steve Buscemi). They grew up together outcasts in their lives and became wildly successful in Las Vegas making millions of dollars and living richly. However when rival street stuntist/magician Steve Gray (Jim Carrey) challenges the magical pair with daring tricks and new ideas, Burt and Anton must come up with a new trick to save their show. After failing the magical pair split up forcing Burt to continue the show alone. Eventually he ends up with no show and forcing himself to do menial shows at stores, birthday parties, and elderly homes.
This comedy is very cliched and predictable. It offers plenty of laughs and is watchable at least. Expect the over the top comedy that Jim Carrey and Steve Carrell have to offer.
Rotten Tomato Meter: 38%
Audience: 63%
Me: 60%
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